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Re: [hr-wsis] HR and the UN


This has been talked about for about for a few weeks.

It overlapped with the report on Oil for Food.

I rushed, otherwise I would send links, but you
can easily find it.

As I recall, the idea is to create an mechanism like
the Security Council for HR specifically.

I am sure some else here can fill in / correct me.


Rikke Frank Joergensen wrote:



I just heard from the HR Commission in Geneva, that Kofi A. has proposed (in a speech) that the UN system be reformed into three main pillars; fight against terrorism, development and HR…


This would mean a big upgrade of HR within the UN system, and I am quite astonished that he even proposed it.. Does anyone know more ?




Bill McIver, Ph.D                     
Group Leader (Acting)                 | Chef de groupe (par intŽrim)
e-Government/e-Citizen Group          | Groupe de gouvernement Žlectronique/citoyen Žlectronique
National Research Council             | Conseil national de recherches Canada
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