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[English] Quick report on 1st week activities of HR caucus

Hello everyone,

Here is a very quick report of HR caucus activities at this step of prepcom2, so that those who couldn't make it to attend may keep aware of what's going on from our side.
The caucus website will be updated with information and documents, check it at:

This first week has mainly been devoted to 'communication' activities on HR caucus concerns, with regards to both WSIS process and WSIS issues and documents. These activities have been:

- Feb. 14. During the CS briefing session organized by CONGO with the participation of Mr Geiger, Executive Director of WSIS and head of Exec Secretariat, and Ambassador Karklins, president of WSIS 2nd phase process, we raised the issue of accreditation, both the one of our member HRIC (see below) and the one of Tunisian independent CS organizations, which are not legally recognized. Both Mr Geiger and Mr Karklins seem very supportive and have given, during the meeting and through private discussions I had with them, some guidance to advance these issues.

- Feb. 16. Participation to a press conference organized at the Swiss Press Club in Geneva, by HR caucus member Amnesty International, Swiss section and by Communica-CH, the Swiss CS coordination. The title of the press conf was: "WSIS in Tunis: a Summit on information under repression?". Participants spoke in French and German. I'll send to the list my own presentation soon, in French and English, as soon as I find time to sort out my notes and translate them into English. It resulted in good press coverage, mainly in the Swiss press.

- Feb. 16. Participation to the WSIS CS press conference at the Palais des Nations, through a speaking slot we have asked for, arguing that, while we understand governance, financing, and WSIS follow-up activities are indeed central issues in the 2nd phase, human rights and social justice still are crucial and transverse concerns that should be raised, specially since CS as a whole have strongly fought in order to have them included in WSIS. Rikke has already posted to the list her draft speech.

- Feb. 17. Organization of a 3 hours panel on "Information society and Human Rights", with the participation of 5 members of the caucus (DIHR, IRIS, FIDH, HRIC, LTDH), plus an introduction from Walther Lichem, Austrian ambassador, in his capacity of member of PDHRE (People's Decade for Human Rights Education). The programme has already been posted to the list, and Rikke has also sent her own presentation at this panel. The panel was very well attended (120 to 150 persons), with representatives from governements (Canada, at the ambassador level, and Denmark, Swiss, France, etc.) as well as Osamu Shiraishi, representing the OHCHR. The panel ended with a bit of chaos in the last minutes of discussions, as unfortunately usual each time we talk about Tunisia (some of us already experienced that in Hammamet prepcom), but, all in all, I think it went well, and attendees has appreciated the presentations.

- Feb. 18. A caucus member, Human Rights in China (HRIC), has once again been denied accreditation to WSIS, following China's intervention, and is calling for support. At the request of HRIC, we decided to initiate a petition calling for support (this would certainly help the Executive Secretariat in its task for HRIC accreditation to next PrepCom). This petition and the call for support has been announced during the morning CS plenary by Sharon Hom, Executive director of HRIC, and will be sent in some minutes to the plenary list as well as to this list.

Apart from these specific activities, the usual networking is going on. As just announced, the caucus has now 2 new members : MISA (Media Institute of Southern Africa) has been participating to WSIS since the first phase, but Ambedkar Center for Justice and Peace is new to it. This organization is based in India and has international offices in the US and Canada, and deals, inter alia, with the human rights of the Dalits, which are violated by the cast system in India. Yogesh Varhade, the president of this organization who we met in Geneva, is now on the list and would be interested in getting in touch with caucus members dealing with minorities and indigeneous peoples issues (e.g. INCOMINDIOS). I would also like to mention that some HR caucus members are also participating to other caucuses, or even coordinating them, and that it is very important that this way they can bridge between HR issues and other, more specific issues, relevant to WSIS : education, cultural diversity, privacy and security, etc., not to mention the link with regional caucuses.

As next week will see intensive discussions of official documents (political chapeau and operational part, financing mechanisms report, internet governance report), we will mainly be working on comments and inputs to these documents. To this end, a caucus meeting has been announced for Monday, Feb. 21 at 13:00. As for now, the meeting place is the Serpentine bar, but new place would be announced in case a room is found available.
Again, if any caucus member may provide comments or even short paragraphs to be included in a HR caucus written contribution, it is most welcome to do so. We already have as a start Rikke's proposal on governance and HR issues and Ginger's comments on financing and HR.

Best regards,
HR caucus co-chair

Meryem Marzouki -
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