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[hr-wsis] Re: Nomination of 2nd representative of this caucus

Up to now, I've received two offers, from Yaman Akdeniz (CR&CL, UK) and 
Rikke Frank Jørgensen (Digital Rights Denmark).

Can we make a decision all together ? Please answer to the list, thanks.

Le vendredi 29 novembre 2002, à 01:09 PM, Meryem Marzouki a écrit :

> Hi,
> It's me again, and after this message I'll stop sending stuff on this 
> list until Monday, I promise :-)
> This "Human Rights in the Information Society" caucus should have two 
> representatives to the CS coordination group. As the caucus proposer, 
> I'm one of them as for now. If any of you would like to take more 
> involvement in this work, please feel free to volunteer on this list 
> for acting as the other representative.