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RE: [hr-wsis] Human rights input to the draft CS declaration

Hi all,

Proposed modifications to last section taking into account Riks good points:

Best, Rikke

New text:
Furthermore, the importance of the issues of human rights of WSIS 
justifies that these issues be addressed within the procedures of the Commission on Human Rights or its Sub-Commission, in order to ensure among others monitoring of threats to privacy, freedom of expression, freedom from surveillance, applications of ICT to the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights and to human rights education, and to recommend measures conducive to advancing human rights in information and communication societies.

Old text:
Furthermore, the importance of the issues of human rights of WSIS 
justifies the establishment, within the procedures of the Commission on 
Human Rights or its Sub-Commission, of a position of Special Rapporteur 
on Human Rights and Information and Communication Societies, with a 
mandate to monitor developments in this area, including threats to 
privacy, freedom of expression, freedom from surveillance, and 
applications of ICT to the realisation of economic, social and cultural 
rights and to human rights education and recommend measures conducive 
to advancing human rights in information and communication societies.