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Keynote for Communication and HR session - WFCR

[Sorry for the delay, due to mail problems]

Hi all,

I'm pleased to confirm that the keynote speaker for the "Communication
and Human Rights" session at WFCR will be Aminata Traoré. Below you'll
find a short bio she sent me in French, and a tentative translation with
unvaluable help from Sean (who must be tired of asking me to send this
information :-) But now it's confirmed !).

I've briefed Aminata about WFCR and our session, and I've asked her to
focus her keynote speech around a simple idea: "no development without
democracy, no democracy without development". Not sure she will follow
this, but in any case she will be simply great !


Docteur en Psychologie sociale et diplômée en Psychopathologie, Aminata
Dramane TRAORE est l’auteur de deux livres (l’Etau, chez Actes-Sud,
Janvier 1999 et Le Viol de l’imaginaire, Actes-Sud/Fayard, Janvier 2002)
sur l’Afrique dans la mondialisation néolibérale. Elle plaide pour
davantage d’autonomie de pensée et de décision pour l’Afrique dans ses
rapports aux Nations industrialisées et aux Institutions internationales
de financement.
Pour consolider les assises du mouvement social au niveau national, elle
a créée le Forum pour l’Autre Mali (FORAM) qui a initié le débat sur les
Nouvelles Technologies et la Citoyenneté.

Aminata Traoré is a Doctor in Social Psychology and Psychopathology, and
a former Minister of Tourism and Culture in Mali. She is a former
co-ordinator of UNDP, and a staunch promoter of several cultural
projects (Djenné, San-Toro, Dunanso). She initiated Soi les voisins, le
quartier, a project that mobilises the people that live in the same
district to help rebuilt the infrastructure and the accessibility of
public services. Aminata Traoré is the Co-ordinator of the Forum pour
l'autre Mali, a forum that envisages to follow-up the World Social
Movement in Europe. Dr. Traoré is the author of several books: l'Etau,
1999 and Le Viol de l'Imaginaire, 2002.