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Proposed Session: Information, Communication and Human Rights


During PrepCom2, civil society caucuses and working groups may organize 
special sessions to discuss the specific issues. Some rooms may be 
available, but they should be booked in advance.

I would like to propose, on behalf of our caucus, a civil society 
session on the theme : Information, Communication and Human Rights.

It could be organized by the "Human Rights in the Information Society" 
Caucus, but could be as well jointly organized with the "Communication 
Right in the Information Society" Caucus, since obviously there are many 
common issues to discuss.

I'm waiting for your replies before officially proposing it. Please 
reply by tomorrow Tuesday evening.

Proposed time could be Friday Feb 21, afternoon (3 hours).

Human Rights, intended as civil and political rights of citizens, as 
well as their economic, cultural and social rights, are considerably 
threatened in the information society. Up to now, they don't seem to be 
on the agenda of the WSIS, while they should be addressed in the WSIS 
final Declaration and Action plan. Should Human rights, as broadly 
defined, be precisely translated within the specific framework of 
information and communication? Should a new, specific, Communication 
Right be introduced in international instruments ? How this could be 
done ? Where do the differences between these alternatives rely?
Civil society organizations are invited to participate to this session 
with the objective of analyzing these issues and reaching a common 
articulated proposal in the WSIS framework.

Who would be in Geneva, so that the programme can be arranged ?

Best regards,