IRIS Actions / SMSI / Droits de l'homme - Human Rights

Proposal on Paragraph 1 of the Declaration of Principles

Human Rights in the Information Society (HRIS) Caucus
July 17, 2003

Submitted to governement representatives at the intersessional meeting of July 15-18, 2003, Paris, France

"We the representatives of the peoples of the world, assembled in Geneva from 10-12 December 2003 for the first phase of the World Summit on Information Society, declare our common desire and commitment to build an information and communication society based on human rights and human dignity. With the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human rights as our foundation, we reaffirm the universality and the indivisibility of all human rights - civil, political, economic, social and cultural - and we recognize their centrality to democracy, the rule of law and sustainable development. Our challenge is to harness the potential of the information and communication society to ensure that human needs are met and that all human rights are realized. We are determined to meet this challenge."

Contacts in Paris for Human Rights Caucus
Diana Bronson, Rikke Frank Jorgensen, Meryem Marzouki
Web site and mailing list of the HRIS caucus:

(dernière mise à jour le 18/12/2004) -